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reach (v. trans.)
1.arrive on shore"The ship landed in Pearl Harbor"
2.capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping"I caught a rabbit in the trap today"
reach (n.)
1.the act of physically reaching or thrusting out area in which something acts or operates or has power or control"the range of a supersonic jet" "a piano has a greater range than the human voice" "the ambit of municipal legislation" "within the compass of this article" "within the scope of..."
3.the limit of capability"within the compass of education"
4.the limits within which something can be effective"range of motion" "he was beyond the reach of their fire"
reach (v.) in or establish communication with"Our advertisements reach millions" "He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia" exert much effort or energy"straining our ears to hear"
3.move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense"Government reaches out to the people"
4.reach a point in time, or a certain state or level"The thermometer hit 100 degrees" "This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour"
5.reach a destination, either real or abstract"We hit Detroit by noon" "The water reached the doorstep" "We barely made it to the finish line" "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"
6.reach a goal, e.g."make the first team" "We made it!" "She may not make the grade" into the hands or custody of"hand me the spoon, please" "Turn the files over to me, please" "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers" gain with effort"she achieved her goal despite setbacks" extend as far as"The sunlight reached the wall" "Can he reach?" "The chair must not touch the wall"
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Merriam Webster
ReachReach (rēch), v. i. To retch. Cheyne.
ReachReach, n. An effort to vomit. [R.]
ReachReach, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reached (rēcht) (Raught, the old preterit, is obsolete); p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching.] [OE. rechen, AS. rǣcan, rǣcean, to extend, stretch out; akin to D. reiken, G. reichen, and possibly to AS. rīce powerful, rich, E. rich. √115.]
1. To extend; to stretch; to thrust out; to put forth, as a limb, a member, something held, or the like.
Her tresses yellow, and long straughten,
Unto her heeles down they raughten. Rom. of R.
Reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side. John xx. 27.
Fruit trees, over woody, reached too far
Their pampered boughs. Milton.
2. Hence, to deliver by stretching out a member, especially the hand; to give with the hand; to pass to another; to hand over; as, to reach one a book.
He reached me a full cup. 2 Esd. xiv. 39.
3. To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand; to extend some part of the body, or something held by one, so as to touch, strike, grasp, or the like; as, to reach an object with the hand, or with a spear.
O patron power, . . . thy present aid afford,
Than I may reach the beast. Dryden.
4. To strike, hit, or touch with a missile; as, to reach an object with an arrow, a bullet, or a shell.
5. Hence, to extend an action, effort, or influence to; to penetrate to; to pierce, or cut, as far as.
If these examples of grown men reach not the case of children, let them examine. Locke.
6. To extend to; to stretch out as far as; to touch by virtue of extent; as, his land reaches the river.
Thy desire . . . leads to no excess
That reaches blame. Milton.
7. To arrive at; to come to; to get as far as.
Before this letter reaches your hands. Pope.
8. To arrive at by effort of any kind; to attain to; to gain; to be advanced to.
The best account of the appearances of nature which human penetration can reach, comes short of its reality. Cheyne.
9. To understand; to comprehend. [Obs.]
Do what, sir? I reach you not. Beau. & Fl.
10. To overreach; to deceive. [Obs.] South.
ReachReach, v. i.
1. To stretch out the hand.
Goddess humane, reach, then, and freely taste! Milton.
2. To strain after something; to make efforts.
Reaching above our nature does no good. Dryden.
3. To extend in dimension, time, amount, action, influence, etc., so as to touch, attain to, or be equal to, something.
And behold, a ladder set upon the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. Gen. xxviii. 12.
The new world reaches quite across the torrid zone. Boyle.
4. (Naut.) To sail on the wind, as from one point of tacking to another, or with the wind nearly abeam.
To reach after or To reach for or To reach at, to make efforts to attain to or obtain.
ReachReach, n.
1. The act of stretching or extending; extension; power of reaching or touching with the person, or a limb, or something held or thrown; as, the fruit is beyond my reach; to be within reach of cannon shot.
2. The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like; power of attainment or management; extent of force or capacity.
Drawn by others who had deeper reaches than themselves to matters which they least intended. Hayward.
Be sure yourself and your own reach to know. Pope.
3. Extent; stretch; expanse; hence, application; influence; result; scope.
And on the left hand, hell,
With long reach, interposed. Milton.
I am to pray you not to strain my speech
To grosser issues, nor to larger reach
Than to suspicion. Shak.
4. An extended portion of land or water; a stretch; a straight portion of a stream or river, as from one turn to another; a level stretch, as between locks in a canal; an arm of the sea extending up into the land. “The river's wooded reach.” Tennyson.
The coast . . . is very full of creeks and reaches. Holland.
5. An artifice to obtain an advantage.
The Duke of Parma had particular reaches and ends of his own underhand to cross the design. Bacon.
6. The pole or rod which connects the hind axle with the forward bolster of a wagon.
⇨ voir la définition de Wikipedia
reach (n.)
ambit, compass, grasp, orbit, radius of action, range, range of action, reaching, scope, sphere of action, stretch
reach (v.)
accomplish, achieve, arrive at, attain, carry, catch, come, come to, contact, drop, earn, extend to, gain, get, get hold of, get through, get through to, get to, give, grasp, hand, hit, lead to, make, obtain, pass, pass on, progress to, reach for, reach out, reach out a hand for, reach out for, strain, stretch, strive, touch, turn over
reach (v. trans.)
approach, capture, catch, field, get, go towards, go up to, head for, land, make, make for, proceed towards, seize, set ashore, shore, tackle, take, tie up, walk up to
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Voir aussi
reach (v. trans.)
reach (v. intr.)
reach (n.)
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(bank)[termes liés]
reach (n.)
motility, motion, move, movement[Hyper.]
stretch, stretch out - reach, reach out[Dérivé]
reach (n.)
reach; range[ClasseHyper.]
zone (généricité) (fr)[Classe]
(ammunition; ammo)[termes liés]
(runabout; airbus; aircraft; airplane; aeroplane), (fly)[termes liés]
compass - range, straddle - range, run - scopal[Dérivé]
reach (n.)
reach (n.)
extend to, reach, touch - range, run - range[Dérivé]
reach (n.)
range, reach[Hyper.]
reach (v.)
reach (v.)
reach (v.)
reach, reaching, stretch[Dérivé]
reach (v.)
appear, arrive, come, get, roll up[Hyper.]
reach (v.)
avoir une certaine destination (pour un chemin) (fr)[Classe]
venir qqpart, se diriger vers un lieu (fr)[Classe...]
go, go along, locomote, move, travel - make[Domaine]
reach (v.)
accomplish, achieve, attain, reach[Hyper.]
arrival, reaching[Dérivé]
reach (v.)
handing over, handing-over, passage - hand, manus, mitt, paw[Dérivé]
reach (v.)
reach (v.)
reach (v.)
chercher à atteindre (un but), à obtenir (une situation) (fr)[Classe]
(arm)[termes liés]
reach (v. intr.)
arriver à proximité (fr)[Classe]
reach (v. tr.)
accoster (bateau) (fr)[Classe]
arriver en bateau (fr)[Classe]
(port; haven; harbour; harbor)[termes liés]
(vessel; watercraft; oceangoing ship; seagoing ship; barge; boat)[termes liés]
(embankment; bank; waterside; shoreline; shore)[termes liés]
reach (v. tr.)
get; grab; seize; reach; take; make; capture; catch[ClasseHyper.]
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Jeux de lettres
Les jeux de lettre français sont :
○ Anagrammes
○ jokers, mots-croisés
○ Lettris
○ Boggle.
Lettris est un jeu de lettres gravitationnelles proche de Tetris. Chaque lettre qui apparaît descend ; il faut placer les lettres de telle manière que des mots se forment (gauche, droit, haut et bas) et que de la place soit libérée.
Il s'agit en 3 minutes de trouver le plus grand nombre de mots possibles de trois lettres et plus dans une grille de 16 lettres. Il est aussi possible de jouer avec la grille de 25 cases. Les lettres doivent être adjacentes et les mots les plus longs sont les meilleurs. Participer au concours et enregistrer votre nom dans la liste de meilleurs joueurs ! Jouer
Dictionnaire de la langue française
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La plupart des définitions du français sont proposées par SenseGates et comportent un approfondissement avec Littré et plusieurs auteurs techniques spécialisés.
Le dictionnaire des synonymes est surtout dérivé du dictionnaire intégral (TID).
L'encyclopédie française bénéficie de la licence Wikipedia (GNU).
Les jeux de lettres anagramme, mot-croisé, joker, Lettris et Boggle sont proposés par Memodata.
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